Ms Kirsty Sword Gusmão AO

Iha kedas tinan 2023, Alola hahú serbisu ho governu hodi trasa dekretu lei ida hodi regula komersializasaun ba substituisaun susubeen inan nian. Ideia ne’e atu proteje fó susubeen inan no importánsia husi fó susubeen inan eskluzivu ne’ebé rekomenda globalmente husi Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde ba saúde ótimu inan no bebé sira nian. Hafoin tinan barak halo lobi hosi Alola no organizasaun internasionál sira seluk hanesan UNICEF, ikusmai dekretu lei ida ne’e aprova hosi Konsellu Ministru sira iha Janeiru 2023. Agora hahú serbisu maka’as atu bele asegura katak lei ne’e fungsiona no kumpre duni.

Sra. Maria Guterres, CEO ALOLA

We know that the progress we have made in 2024 would not be possible without the support of our donors, partners/stakeholders including the Alola Australia’s team and everyone who continues to support our work this year. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the members of the Board of the Alola Foundation, especially to Ms. Kirsty Sword Gusmão who continues to deposit her trust and full support in me to lead this organization. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to all the program managers and the entire Alola Foundation staff team for their support and dedication during this year who worked as a solid team to support each other to achieve our goals and objectives of this Foundation.


“Together we are strong”. Strong Women, Strong Nation

Alola support group activities in the area of ​​maternal and child health

The Alola’s Maternal and Child Health (MCH) program utilizes a range of strategies concentrating at multiple levels in nationally and municipalities level.


The Education Program aims to improve quality and access to education in Timor-Leste. In 2018, Education program continues providing scholarship support


Alola’s Economic Empowerment Program has two main areas comprised of handicraft development and development of women’s livelihoods.


Promoting the Human Rights of women and children in Timor-Leste is the main objective of the Advocacy Program. In 2018, the Advocacy Program provided